You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.6. KITTING Menu: Micronet Kitting System > 1.6.6. Kitting - Auto Kitting > Creating a Works Order from Auto Kitting

Creating a Works Order from Auto Kitting

To create the works orders for the kit items displayed on the Auto Kitting screen:

  1. Check that the Auto Kitting screen displays all the kit items and Ordered quantities that you want to create works orders for.

Refer to "Maintaining the Auto Kitting Items".

  1. Select FILE | CREATE.

Micronet displays the Works Order Creation Header screen. All the items selected in Auto Kitting are pre-loaded into the works order batch.

  1. Enter the works order header details.

You must enter a Debtors Number or have a dummy customer (e.g. STOCK) to make the items for stock.

Refer to "Maintaining the Works Order Creation Header".

  1. Complete the works order as normal.

Refer to "Managing Completed Works Orders".